Sunday, March 10, 2013

Because I was so very much inspired!

Hey there!
I have three cards to share with you today! Yes! THREE! These are part of my second card series, the first got a lot of appreciation on Flickr and hopefully I will post them here soon, but for now I was so inspired by Julie Ebersole’s inspiration piece that I went ahead and made these! I know they are nothing like hers and so very different, but I was inspired… truly inspired!

I got really inky with the background and of course added the heat embossed element. Here are the cards individually.
The background has been inked black, added silver heat embossed text, the butterfly is also heat embossed. I love how this one came together, I added quite a few chunky glitter here and there with different size of gems and of course my ever so favourite glitter balls.
This one has the same details, inked background, heat embossed text.. I deliberately wanted that cage stamp to pop up and be part of the design hence the jet blackness! LOL
Again, the same inky background, black heat embossed text background, glittered frame and heat embossed butterfly.
I am sure you can tell that I was inspired, it happens sometimes when you see just one thing and it sparks your creativity… you feel the need to bring your ideas into a physical form… I wanted to make more… oh so many more and I will. But for now I leave you with these and hopefully you will like them. Everyone likes them here, all three were sold within fifteen minutes of uploading them to my FB page! Awesome isn't it!? I feel so blessed, thank you God.


Crafterkhush said...

Spellbound by that gorgeous blue against the black.. completely completely bowled over...!!

Naomi Edwards said...

Hi Erum, your 3 cards are STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I love love love the colors and the torn paper with the flowers tucked in is brilliant!!!! I love inking and embossing as well so I have a feeling I will be here a lot! I am blown away by your creations... I found you over at Outlawz and read your bio and found you funny and had to come and see what you were up Can't wait to see more! I am a new follower of course!

Hussena said...

These are absolutely Stunning Erum love love them :)

McCrafty's Cards said...

Wow ET, these are stunning I love the colours those butterflies well all of it!
Kevin xx

Anne Temple said...

WOW! These are gorgeous! Absolutely love the color combo on them. Think I'll have to CASE you too! Love these. :-)

Sindhu said...

Gorgeous set of cards Erum! Love the blooms and butterflies..

Kristi said...

I LOVE THEM! yes, I had to yell! Such stunning work E.T.!!!!

SD pooja said...

Wow ! Wonderful cards ! No wonder they were sold out so quickly !

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Ahhhhhhh. These are so incredibly amazingly beautiful that I could faint from happiness. All of my favourite things on 1 card (well 3 cards!): black & white, turquoise, script, glitter, butterflies, flowers, and last but never least that one of a kind beyond description Erum-esque-ness! Thanks for making the world a more beautiful place. oxo

Unknown said...

Awesome work Erum..!!! Lovely creation with cool color combo..

jimlynn said...

STUNNING! ET, these are all just sensational! Love the colors and the look of the silver embossed against the black. Gorgeous cards.

Monika Reeck said...

WOOOOWWW this is really silver on black background this is really funtastic...looks so amazing love the effect of all heat embossed you made...I see your card on CASE Study, I am also joining the challenge on CASE Study, my card is number 33, would you mind to see it on my Blog?I would be so glad if you leave me some love too :) Many thanks before. Hugs, Monika from Munich.

Unknown said...

Ditto to all that has been already said. All of your work just takes my breath away. You are amazing!
You mentioned your FB page, I'd love to come visit you there. Do you mind giving out your FB name?

Nadège said...

Those cards blew my mind. They are absolutely gorgeous, leaving me speechless.
What a fabulous work, classy, elegant, shabby, it is perfection.
Thanks for sharing Erum.

Ruchita said...

Hi Erum,
The cards are just AWESOME...superb!!!

Ruchita said...

Hi Erum,
The cards are just AWESOME...superb!!!

Ruchita said...

Hi Erum
The cards are just AWESOME...Superb!!

My Paper Epiphany said...

Absolutely gorgeous. The colour contrast is amazing!

Lyndal said...

OK I'll just pick myself up off the floor now!!!
Just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! LOVE them all & congrats on your well-deserved CASE Study win :)

Karen Freeman said...

These beautiful creations are gorgeous. Love your work. Karen F

Michelle said...

These are AMAZING!!!!!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Well deserved win over at CASE. Stunning cards -- that turquoise just glows against the black.

Good for you being able to sell them on ebay too~

Vicki Dutcher said...

Whoops I meant FB page! :)

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Wow - your cards are amazing! Congratulation on your win at CASE study - well deserved!

Jean Martin said...

OMGosh Erum!!! These have just left me speechless! Soooo beautiful!!!

SmilynStef said...

As always, pure paper magic my friend ... congrats on your win.

Tasnim said...

These cards are really amazing!! Absolutely love the colors and all the texture! Did you make the flower on the second card? it's beautiful!
Congratulations on your win, so well deserved :)

Sian Ridley said...

Oh my goodness!! These are just stunning beyond words!!!! I'm surprised it took as long as fifteen minutes for them to sell! ;) I am suffering from a major lack of inspiration at the moment, but seeing this has certainly helped get my creative juices flowing-I should've stopped by sooner really, I should've known!

Congratulations on you Case Study win - absolutely well deserved ;)

Lisa said...

just saw these over at HA Flickr- how stunning!! WOW- really beautiful! I am lovin' your color scheme with the black- great job :)

Ulina / Apricot Bubbles said...

Your cards are BREATHTAKING!!!

Katie said...

These cards are amazing! You really know how to 'pack a punch' with color! And such beautiful work and detail. Thanks for sharing.

Katie B.