Hey beautiful people! Tejal tagged me a few days back in her “Getting to know me” hop so now it’s my turn to answer a few questions. You should really drop by her place to leave a bit of love. BUT first I wanted to share a card I made for CASE Study.
I loved LOVED Joni’s card and already CASED it in my last post, but I was SO SO SO very much inspired I thought I’d make another one.
Joni’s card:

Every time I learn something, I try to step it up a notch from what I have learned. I went for a more artistic abstract feel to my card because I just love grunge and the water dripping taking away the details from flowers, stems and leaves. I didn’t have distress markers so I used my good ol paint brush and inks to create this freehand painting.
Hope you liked it! My CASE Study post ends here! On to the “Get to know me”
Get to know me!
1 2 3 here we go!
What am I currently working on?
I am working on a photo album at the moment and it is one of those designs that I make almost every other month… actually it’s perfect for weddings here. I will show you the first one I ever made.
There is a photo space in the center with names of bride and groom on the bottom right. This is a 8x10 inch piece.
Why do I write/create what I do?
I love love love to create. Every single day I learn something new. The best part is that now I get paid to do what I love! And believe me there is no “awesomer” job than doing what you love. Papercrafts is my livelihood now. I have my books set, both accounts and for orders… I get a monthly pay which is 25% of what I earn all month, this helps me save up and buy yummy craft supplies 
How do I become inspired or stay inspired?
My inspiration lasts a very long time… recently I took Watercolor for cardmakers class and believe me it just woke something up in me! I have been watercolouring every card of mine; be it sky, ground or the whole scene! I have gone a bit crazy over it. So I’d say that watching videos, reading up instructions, reading positive things people write really gets me going. If I see someone teach a lesson, I will always be like okay so about if I add this to it or how about if I do it this way you know? I like to experiment with what I learn so that I can grow. Am I making sense? You will notice that the cards I created for the watercolor class are a bit different from what was taught.
How does my work differ from the others of its genre?
I don’t think that it does. I do have my own style but like I said earlier that I love to experiment, so my work is sometimes CAS, sometimes grungy, sometimes absolutely shabby chic and if you don’t know me you cant even say that one person made the same things. Here are a few examples:
How long does it take to create a project?
Depends on the project really. I take around 4-5 days to make Journals and Photo Albums, cards at max takes 2 days.
What are my favorite things I love to create with at the moment?
Distress inks. Always.
What is my signature style?
Already answered this one 
If you liked this and would LOVE to share some insight into that brain of yours PLEASE go ahead and join in the hop! Answer these questions and let me know that you have done so so that I can stop by your blog!!
LONG post man! PHEW!!
tata! Have a super fab day!!!
Ah you finally did it. And whata feast for the eyes. I live the crazy watercolor fixation you have right now...and love that you pay your self too. Gotta do that for me. And what diverse cards....brilliant is the only word i can use!!!
I love seeing all of your gorgeous creations ... you are making watercolor magic.
Hi ET! Your CASE Study Card is beyond perfect! Your current watercolour style reminds me of Sanketi's creations. Isn't it fun to experiment and create all different genres - I think that't what keeps it so exciting!
Loved reading more about you!!! Your creations are always gorgeous!!!!!
Nice to see your work Erum. Your cards are all amazing and loved your experiments with water colors.
I loved seeing all of your beautiful creations and reading a bit about you. I'm so happy for you that you can make your livelihood through papercrafting. You bring magic to whatever you touch when it comes to papercrafting. :)
You have a beautiful style.
Wow, Erum! The colours in this card are just awesome! Such a striking combination, and beautifully painted! I loved getting to know you a little better. One of the things I love about your cards is that you don't stick to a single style, you're equally creative in many styles! :-)
Your card is crazy amazing! Loved reading about you too! Thanks for joining us this week at CASE Study!
Love this card with the dark background. It really makes the flowers pop off the page. All of your projects look amazing!
WHat a lovely post filled with you gorgeous cards Erum ! I loved reading it !
Such amazing eye candy fun to learn more about you too!
Wow! That card is just a stunner! Gorgeous color on the flowers and the background is such a fantastic contrast, and I love hearing about you, your work is wonderful!
That's awesome what you create!!! :D
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