Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Photoshop? Anyone?

What do I do when I am not making cards? Take care of my cats. Well this happens while I am making cards too, cuz that is the time they disturb me the most. The chart papers seem to attract them a lot. Whenever I lay a chart paper to cut a piece, all those lying nearby get up and lie on top of that paper! I read somewhere that if you keep a piece of paper in a football field and leave a cat there, she is likely to sit on that paper leaving the whole field behind! LOL They consider themselves secure and within a boundary that is why they do this.
Anyway, I wanted to show you this picture. You must be wondering what the hell?! LOL

Well, this is the pic of famous Monica Bellucci.
And this is what I did to her...
Oh well, I photoshop when I am free. I used to only photoshop and play The Sims when I was in university and still do. But then I didn't do anything else but photoshop.
This pic was submitted at in a photoshop contest. I came fourth :o)
I could have done better than fourth if I would have used my credits to sponsor myself.
So I will be showing you my photoshop work too, sometimes.


Tee said...

I am just about learning to photoshop..and what you've done is gorgeous!! I wish I knew how to do that..its awesome..

P.s. don't worry about the swirls..whenever you've got time..and instead of scanning the penciled work, whenever you cut the swirls, you can scan hurry..

as it is packing my crafting stuff..getting married so I have to move stuff to my hubby's place in have time till January!!!

Dawn said...

Stunning Erum - Well Done
I have no bloomin' clue about photoshop but wish I did!!!


mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Absolutely amazing! You are a multimedia artist. WOW! :O)

Melissa Bove said...

Wow!! That is amazing!! Soo cool!! Love it! I need to get PhotoShop!

Anonymous said...

holy *******!!!! AMAZING!!!!

Mari said...

A link to this showed up at the bottom of the post I was reading and I just *had* to come see.
WOW. Just, wow.
I'm learning my way around PSE (very, very slowly) so I have NO IDEA how you managed to do this. The fact that you CAN do this (and make it look so realistic) is amazing! You've got some mad skillz!